April 24,2023

Clinic day 3. We were at a much larger church. Today. On our way there, we went by the Belize Hot Sauce factory😋 and many kids on their way to school in their uniforms. They are all so cute and each school has different colored uniforms. 

We were at a much larger church today so each station and waiting areas were able to be spread out . 

Sheep enjoying the church yard grasses! 

We did not have quite as many people come through today which was nice as we had more time to give some individual attention and were able to have conversations with clients which was so nice getting to know some people. 

Some of our happy customers!

There was a a mama that just kept nursing her baby while going through station to station. Her baby was happy and she got some glasses. 

There was another mother who had  glasses about 10 years earlier as a teenage. She said she was so ashamed and didn’t wear them but now was having trouble with 3 children, one who is special needs, so we were able to find her some cute ones that she liked, plus she was pretty excited to see so well, she said she would not be ashamed again of wearing themHer husband came through then, he didn’t think he should bother because he was sure we couldn’t help him. He had an eye injury from a bottle rocket years earlier. With great patience and determination,  the distribution team, Terry, Neil, Rachel and Simeon, were able to find him a pair that really worked for him with 2 different numbers and he was very pleased and thankful. 

The man named Swift who wanted to see his grandchild. 

There was a team of parishioners that played and sang music to entertain throughout the long day.


Charli and Darcy had lots of fun with some children there.

Oops! These sunglasses need fixing!

One of our lovely translators who helps us each day

The Pastors daughter, Reyna, helped us with translation today also. 
After we packed up and left, our transportation company had felt bad that we did not have good air conditioning in the van so treated us all to ice cream!😋 Eliu knows everyone so he suddenly set us up with a tour of the dairy packaging plant. They get their milk from big farms(99 cows) as far down as small farms with only 1 cow hand milked. Farmers can just bring in their milk can and sell it to the dairy after getting tested. 

We ended our day with dinner and devotions up on the veranda which has an amazing view! 
